Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolution 2013

Given my horrific job blogging in 2012, where I averaged maybe one blog per month, have resolved to write a short post each day during the week. The big problem is that my mind sporadically wanders and consequentially try to write a novel in a is happening right now. Guess that is what happens when every day is comprised of 1,440 New York minutes.

More importantly, want to share a recently learned, albeit important lifeskill: how to buy refills. Again, most of these insights are stating the obvious, which is exactly why they are so easy to miss. Case in point - for the past 23.5 years, have always bought one refill after running out of a certain product. The 1:1 ratio seemed the most natural and cost-effective management. Recently, however, have learned the the best way to shop is to buy at least two refills at a time for the following reasons: the product may be discontinued, you may never be able to find that product again, or the store may inconveniently be closed at a time when you most need the refill. Granted, it may be more expensive at the cash register, but it is significantly more convenient to not have to run to the store on a weekly or monthly basis. Plus, over time the amounts are the same costs.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and prosperous 2013!

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