Humans never cease to amaze me, more specifically the dumb decisions they constantly make. These Darwinian errors never seem so apparent as when riding the subway. I mean I fail to understand why people have to tote their dogs around as an accessory. What is so ghastly wrong with letting a dog run around and use it's legs? As far as the advertisement for dog plastic surgery goes...I honestly don't even know where to begin, but sincerely hoped that at some point Ashton Kutcher would pop out and tell me that I had been punked. What's even worse is that one of the big newspapers recently ran an article on a woman who does everyday chores completely naked - including riding the subway (and that is the last time I will ever sit down in one of the seats). I truly hope that all I can say is only in New York City...
I think that's a dog... |
No, really?! |
and then there is no doubt... |
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