Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Adventure in the Park

Leave it to me to get lost in the park!  All I wanted to do was to meander among the famed antiques of GreenFlea (see Flea Market finds).  Unfortunately, unbeknown to me, the subway was undergoing construction, which meant that the 7, which I need to switch from the 6 on the east side to use the 1 on the west side was no longer functioning.  No problem for me, I can TOTALLY handle this problem thanks to my month of accumulated knowledge and familiarity with the Manhattan grid system, and my trusty googlemaps app on my iPhone (literally a LIFESAVER).  I figured that I would just walk from the east side to the west side since my iPhone, so deceptively as I later learned, displayed the only obstacle between me and the flea market as this tiny park...or so I thought.  Ends up this tiny park was actually Central Park, and as I attempted to find my way out, I felt like Alice in Wonderland, walking in circles multiple times, coming into dead ends, and yes even being chased by a squirrel.  Fortunately, I survived and was immensely rewarded at the flea market.  Nevertheless, I can't say that my adventure was terrible since I stumbled upon some magnificent natural scenery.  As I'm slowly beginning to learn, life is what you make of it.  No matter what, however, you always have a choice, no matter how out of control you may feel in a situation.   Either you can whine and complain about being set back 45 minutes from your personal predetermined schedule, or you can let go and embrace the excitement of not knowing where the winding path will take you.

 Sad to say, but it reminds me of toxic waste!
 A couple that frankly had no idea where they were going (a dead end) or how to direct the boat (the paddling was proving to be a significant challenge, and proved to be an amusing source of entertainment for a couple of minutes.)

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